Tomogram reconstruction

Run the program

Please run MUST with a parameter file (described in detail later).

must para.conf
  • Note: MUST by default uses all the GPUs on the computer. To specify the GPUs to use, please run the following command first (in bash shell format).



Parameter file

File convention

The parameter file is a text file in "<parameter name>=<parameter value>" style. Each line contains one parameter.

# This is a sample parameter file.

######## Basic parameters ########

######## Parameters for CTF correction ########
# skip_ctfcorrection=1
# ctf_deconvolve=0
# ctfcorrection_3d=0
# defocus_file=defocus_file.txt
# Cs=2.7
# voltage=300
# w=0.07

######## Advanced parameters ########
# tlt_offset=0.0
# psi_x=0.0
# input_psi_file=psi.txt
# input_alpha_file=alpha.txt
# it_sirt=100
# padding=2
# lp=1.0
# h_offset=0
# h_padding=500
# dose_weighting=0
# dose_file=tomo_001.dose

######## Parameters for blocking on GPU ########
# N_block_fft=2
# N_block_rec=2
# N_block_linear_combination=2

Please refer to conf/para_example.conf as an example, or you can download the example parameter file from here. To write out a parameter file for reference, run

must --params_example <example parameter file>

Basic parameters

Parameter name Value for reference Description
path ./ Work path, the folder for all input and output files
input_mrc tomo_001.ali Input tilt-series (MRC file, after alignment)
output_mrc tomo_001.rec Output reconstructed tomogram (MRC file)
input_tlt tomo_001.tlt Tilt angles of the input tilt-series (in degree, one angle per line, corresponding to the micrographs in the tilt-series in the same order)
psi 0.0 Tilt axis angle (in degree, rotate clockwise to make the tilt axis align with the y-axis, 0 if the tilt axis is the y-axis)
h 500 Heigh of the reconstructed tomogram (in pixel)
pixel_size 5.4 Pixel size of the tilt-series(in Angstrom)
j 10 Number of threads (with OpenMP parallelization)

Parameters for CTF correction

Parameter name Value for reference Description
skip_ctfcorrection 0/1 Skip CTF correction (0-Don't skip; 1-Skip)
ctf_deconvolve 0/1 Correct CTF with deconvolution (0-Multiplication; 1-Deconvolution)
ctfcorrection_3d 0/1 Apply 3D-CTF correction (0-Don't apply; 1-Apply) (If set to 1, the parameter "skip_ctfcorrection" and "ctf_deconvolve" will be ignored)
Cs 2.7 Spherical aberration (in mm)
voltage 300 Acceleration voltage (in kV)
w 0.07 Amplitude contrast
defocus_file defocus_file.txt Input file for the defocus parameters of the tilt-series (in CTFFIND4 style)

Advanced parameters

Parameter name Value for reference Description
psi_x 0.0 Rotation around the x-axis (x-tilt) after reconstruction (in degree)
input_psi_file psi.txt Tilt axis angle of each micrograph in the input tilt-series (in degree, one angle per line, corresponding to the micrographs in the tilt-series in the same order)
input_alpha_file alpha.txt Off-plane tilt angle of the tilt axis of each micrograph in the input tilt-series (in degree, one angle per line, corresponding to the micrographs in the tilt-series in the same order)
tlt_offset 0.0 Systematic tilt angle offset (in degree)
it_sirt 100 Number of iterations for SIRT-like filter (Particularly, 0 stands for WBP-like filter (turn off SIRT-like filter))
padding 2 Padding factor of the micrographs before reconstruction (1 or 2 is recommended)
lp 1.0 Ratio of the cuf-off frequency with regard to the Nyquist frequency for lowpass filter (0~1, 1 means no filtering)
h_offset 0 Offset in height in reconstruction (in pixel)
h_padding 500 Padding in height direction (in pixel) (1, 2, or 4 times of the reconstructed height is recommended. Typically, the higher this value, the higher the contrast of the reconstructed tomogram)
dose_weighting 0/1 Apply dose weighting (0-Don't apply; 1-Apply)
dose_file tomo_001.dose A text file with the accumulated dose of each micrograph in the input tilt-series (One number per line, in $e^-/\rm{\AA}^2$, corresponding to the micrographs in the tilt-series in the same order)

Parameters for block dividing (in case of limited GPU memory)

Parameter name Value for reference Description
N_block_fft 2 Number of blocks for dividing the tilt-series when doing FFT
N_block_rec 2 Number of blocks for dividing the reconstructed tomogram
N_block_linear_combination 2 Number of blocks for dividing the micrographs in linear combination
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