File Convention
THI file format
THI file is widely used in EPicker workflow, which is defined as a table to store a list of information. The table in a THI file has the format like following:
[Table Header: ColName1 ColNam2 ....]
v1 v2 ...
va vb ...
Each table consists a header line and a ending line. Each THI file can contain multiple tables.
The header line defines the table name(before colon) and the name of each columus (after colon).
THI files used in EPicker
THI file of particles Each row corresponds to a particle. The columns are the center coordinates (X, Y) and the confidence value (score of the particle).
[Particle Coordinates: X Y Value] 1243 512 0.43 123 5123 0.39 [End]
THI file of vesicles Each row corresponds to a vesicle. The columns are the center coordinates (X, Y), the radius of vesicle in pixel and the confidence value (score of the particle).
[Vesicle Coordinates: X Y Radius Value] 4313 1523 30 0.32 3323 4152 60 0.28 [End]
THI file of fibers Each fiber is represented with a group of points, and identifed by a group ID. The points with the same group ID belong to the same fiber. Each row corresponds to a point on a fiber. The columns are the point coordinate (X, Y), group ID, and the confidence value (score of the particle).
[Helix Coordinates: X Y Group Value] 123 456 1 0.54 156 499 1 0.49 2231 2210 2 0.47 2456 1982 2 0.46 [End]
THI file of image list A list of files can stored in a "File List" table. Each row contains a file.
[File List: Filename] /Data/stack_0001_DW.mrc /Data/Stack_0002_DW.mrc [End]